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The Technology Integration Planning Cycle


Learn more about the Cycle, why it's important in our current 

Common Core era, and to understand more about how to 

use it to influence powerful instruction!










Welcome to the Technology Integration Project website. The purpose of this project is to help K-12 teachers integrate digital technology into their instruction using the Technology Integration Planning Cycle (Hutchison & Woodward, 2014). This instructional planning cycle identifies seven critical elements that influence literacy teachers' instructional planning involving digital technology and the success or failure of the resulting classroom instruction.


Through participation in this project, teachers will participate learn how to use the Technology Integration Planning Cycle, participate in Technology Integration Planning Professional Learning Communities, receive ongoing resources and lesson plans related to integration, and receive support from instructional coaches and teacher librarians as they integrate technology into their instruction.


Here you will find a variety of resources related to the Technology Integration Planning Cycle (Hutchison & Woodward, 2014) and technology integration in general. Please look at our current list of resources and connect with each other in the blog!


Additionally, follow this project on Twitter and Pinterest for the latest information, resources, and support!​​​​​​​​​​


Latest News

Partnership with Ankeny Schools
Hutchison awarded for research in literacy and tech

Updates from Twitter & Pinterest

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